Table of Contents


A button, which can be clicked and displays an image.

Most important

Methods None
Properties EnabledImage
Events OnEvent

Please read the control class overview Control as well.



Property Checkable As Boolean (ReadWrite)

If it is true, the control appears as checkable button. If you would like to group several buttons as auto-exclusive group, set for all buttons the same group name.


Property CheckableExclusive As Boolean (ReadWrite)

If it is true, the control will only be checked and unchecked by clicking on it regardless of its group.

Implemented since KBasic V1.88


Property Checked As Boolean (ReadWrite)

If it is true, the control is checked.


Property Key As String (ReadWrite)

Holds the information, which key press would raise the event connected to this control, e.g. Ctrl+O. The strings “Ctrl”, “Shift”, “Alt” and “Meta” are recognized.




Default keys are

HelpContentsOpen help contents
WhatsThisActivate whats this.
OpenOpen Document.
CloseClose Document/Tab.
SaveSave Document.
NewCreate new Document.
BackNavigate back.
ForwardNavigate forward.
RefreshRefresh or reload current document.
ZoomInZoom in.
ZoomOutZoom out.
PrintPrint document.
AddTabAdd new tab.
NextChildNavigate to next tab or child window.
PreviousChildNavigate to previous tab or child window.
FindFind in document.
FindNextFind next result.
FindPreviousFind previous result.
ReplaceFind and replace.
SelectAllSelect all text.
BoldBold text.
ItalicItalic text.
UnderlineUnderline text.
MoveToNextCharMove cursor to next character.
MoveToPreviousCharMove cursor to previous character.
MoveToNextWordMove cursor to next word.
MoveToPreviousWordMove cursor to previous word.
MoveToNextLineMove cursor to next line.
MoveToPreviousLineMove cursor to previous line.
MoveToNextPageMove cursor to next page.
MoveToPreviousPageMove cursor to previous page.
MoveToStartOfLineMove cursor to start of line.
MoveToEndOfLineMove cursor to end of line.
MoveToStartOfBlockMove cursor to start of a block. This shortcut is only used on OS X.
MoveToEndOfBlockMove cursor to end of block. This shortcut is only used on the OS X.
MoveToStartOfDocumentMove cursor to start of document.
MoveToEndOfDocumentMove cursor to end of document.
SelectNextCharExtend selection to next character.
SelectPreviousCharExtend selection to previous character.
SelectNextWordExtend selection to next word.
SelectPreviousWordExtend selection to previous word.
SelectNextLineExtend selection to next line.
SelectPreviousLineExtend selection to previous line.
SelectNextPageExtend selection to next page.
SelectPreviousPageExtend selection to previous page.
SelectStartOfLineExtend selection to start of line.
SelectEndOfLineExtend selection to end of line.
SelectStartOfBlockExtend selection to the start of a text block. This shortcut is only used on OS X.
SelectEndOfBlockExtend selection to the end of a text block. This shortcut is only used on OS X.
SelectStartOfDocumentExtend selection to start of document.
SelectEndOfDocumentExtend selection to end of document.
DeleteStartOfWordDelete the beginning of a word up to the cursor.
DeleteEndOfWordDelete word from the end of the cursor.


Property EnabledImage As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the image to be displayed. It can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.

Might be a String containing binary data. See the binary project example for using.


Property DisabledImage As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the image to be displayed. It can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.

Might be a String containing binary data. See the binary project example for using.


Property EnterImage As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the image to be displayed. It can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property ExitImage As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the image to be displayed. It can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property MouseDownImage As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the image to be displayed. It can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property MouseUpImage As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the image to be displayed. It can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property EnterSound As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the sound to be played. It can be an absolute path to an sound file (wav,…) like c:\myfolder\mysound.wav or can be an relative path to the current project like mysound.wav (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property ExitSound As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the sound to be played. It can be an absolute path to an sound file (wav,…) like c:\myfolder\mysound.wav or can be an relative path to the current project like mysound.wav (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property MouseDownSound As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the sound to be played. It can be an absolute path to an sound file (wav,…) like c:\myfolder\mysound.wav or can be an relative path to the current project like mysound.wav (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property MouseUpSound As String (ReadWrite)

Contains the path of the sound to be played. It can be an absolute path to an sound file (wav,…) like c:\myfolder\mysound.wav or can be an relative path to the current project like mysound.wav (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.


Property CheckedEnabledImage As String (ReadWrite)


Property CheckedDisabledImage As String (ReadWrite)


Property CheckedEnterImage As String (ReadWrite)


Property CheckedExitImage As String (ReadWrite)


Property CheckedMouseDownImage As String (ReadWrite)


Property CheckedMouseUpImage As String(ReadWrite)


Implemented since KBasic V1.8

Property Scale As Boolean (ReadWrite)

Not implemented yet:

AutoRepeat ( bool ) AutoRepeatDelay ( int ) AutoRepeatInterval ( int )



Sub OnEvent()